In update 0.8.0, fire duration on certain large cruisers has been increased from 45 to 60 seconds. I would be tempted to prefer the 7 km torpedoes but each person has his/her own opinion.

With this change, both types of torpedoes become interesting in their own way. The torpedoes of the Sims have always been relatively questionable as you either had a very short range with good damage or a long range but with laughable damage. Changing the characteristics of the base and alternative torpedoes emphasizes the difference between the two styles of gameplay available to Sims: ‘High Risk, High Reward’ game from torpedoes with a short range and good speed, causing a lot of damage comparatively safe option with a greater distance to the enemy, but with less damage and low speed torpedoes. Reload time been increased from 72 to 76 seconds. The base torp stats have been changed: Range has been increased from 5.5 to 7 km The alternative torp stats have been changed: Range has been increased from 9.2 to 10.5 km Maximum damage has been increased from 8500 to 9667.